Prof. Mukesh Jain

Dr. Mukesh Jain holds a postgraduate (MSc) degree in Biotechnology from Kurukshetra University, India. He conducted his doctoral studies in Plant Molecular Biology from the University of Delhi South Campus. In 2008, Dr. Jain joined the National Institute of Plant Genome Research, New Delhi as Staff Scientist. He moved to the School of Computational and Integrative Sciences at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi in 2015. Dr. Jain has done outstanding work in the area of Plant Genomics and Biotechnology. He has made significant contribution in understanding the molecular (transcriptomic and epigenetic) mechanisms underlying various abiotic stress responses and identified several novel key candidate genes involved in stress tolerance. He has been instrumental in the genome and transcriptome sequencing, annotation and analysis of chickpea and rice, and identification/development of functional molecular markers. Dr. Jain is one of very few leaders in generation of genomic resources using next generation sequencing technologies in India. His work has appeared in many peer-reviewed international journals of high repute. For his scientific contributions, Dr. Jain has been honored with several prestigious awards and fellowships from various agencies/academies.
Dr. Jain’s current research interests include understanding the chromatin dynamics, and transcriptional and epigenetic regulation of abiotic stress responses and seed development using advanced state-of-art technologies. His group is using multidisciplinary omics and systems approaches to understand these processes. Research in Dr. Jain’s laboratory is supported primarily by research grants from the DBT, DST and UGC.
Reseach Areas
- Genome Informatics, Next Generation Genomics
- Gene/Genome Regulation, Regulatory Network Analysis
- Epigenomics and Chromatin Biology
- Abiotic Stress, Seed Development
Academic Positions
- 2018-Present, Professor, School of Computational & Integrative Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
- 2015-2018, Associate Professor, School of Computational & Integrative Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
- 2008-2015, Staff Scientist, National Institute of Plant Genome Research, New Delhi
- 2011-2012, Visiting Scientist, University of Georgia, Georgia
- 2007-2008, Assistant Professor, GGS Indraprastha University, New Delhi
- 2006-2007, Research Scientist, Centre for Plant Molecular Biology, New Delhi
Education & Training
- Ph.D. (2006), Plant Molecular Biology, University of Delhi
- M.Sc (2001), Biotechnology, Kurukshetra University
- Fellowships/Honors
- Scientific leadership and organizing activities
- Editor / Reviewer
- Membership of academic societies/bodies
- Invited talks
- Poster / Paper presentation
- Tata Innovation Fellowship, Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, New Delhi (2018-19)
- Fellow, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), New Delhi (2016).
- Fellow, National Academy of Sciences India (NASI), Allahabad (2015).
- Associate Fellow, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi (2011-2015).
- Associate Fellow, Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore (2007-2012).
- Haryana Vigyan Ratna Award 2019 from the Haryana State Council for Science, Innovation & Technology.
- National Bioscience Award for Career Development 2016 from the Department of Biotechnology.
- India Research Excellence - Citation Young Achiever Award 2017 across all disciplines from Clarivate Analytics.
- Rajib Goyal Prize in Life Sciences 2014-2015 from Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.
- Annual Eminence Award 2014 in 'Agriculture' from Rawal Institutions, Faridabad.
- NASI-Scopus Young Scientist Award 2012 in ‘Agriculture’ from Elsevier.
- Young Scientist Award from the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi for biennium (2011-2012).
- Prof. B.K. Bachhawat Memorial Young Scientist Lecture Award (2012) from NASI.
- Haryana Yuva Vigyan Ratna Award 2010-11 from the Haryana State Council for Science & Technology.
- Anil Kumar Bose Memorial Award (2011) from the Indian National Science Academy.
- Young Scientist Platinum Jubilee Award (2009) from the National Academy of Sciences India (NASI).
- Young Scientist Award from the Indian Science Congress Association (2007-08).
- Indian National Science Academy (INSA) medal for Young Scientist (2007).
- Professor LSS Kumar Memorial Award (2007) from INSA.
- Innovative Young Biotechnologists Award (IYBA) from the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India (2006).
- University Medal for First-Class-First position in M.Sc. Biotechnology from Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.
Other recognition
- DBT-CREST Fellowship Award for 2010-2011 from the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, New Delhi (visiting scientist at the University of Georgia, USA).
- BOYCAST Fellowship for 2010-2011 from the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, New Delhi (not availed).
- Biography listed in the Marquis Who’s Who in the World 2010 and 2012 editions.
- Certificate of Recognition as Genomics Pioneer (2008) from the Ocimum Biosolutions in association with OBBeC.
- Visiting Scientist at The Institute for Genomic Research, Rockville, MD for the Rice Genome Annotation workshop (2007).
- Travel fellowship from the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, to attend the 8th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology held at Adelaide, Australia.
- Junior and Senior Research Fellowships from CSIR, New Delhi (February 2002-September 2006).
- Junior Research Fellowship from ICMR, New Delhi (not availed)
- Escorts Post-graduate scholarship on merit basis
Scientific leadership and organizing activities
- Conceived and coordinated “Challenge Programme on Chickpea Functional Genomics” for funding from the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India (2015-2020).
- Group Leader, Chickpea Genome Annotation and Transcriptome Sequencing Group, at NIPGR, New Delhi (September 2009 – September 2014).
- Group Leader, independent group of more than 10 researchers, including Ph.D. students, Research Fellows and Post Doctoral Fellows at NIPGR (April 2008 onwards).
- Working in collaboration with several National and International research groups.
- Established computational set-up at NIPGR for genome sequencing and data analysis.
- Established core microarray facility at NIPGR for facilitating genome level studies.
- Invited Speaker, National and International workshops/symposia/conferences.
- Jury member, INSPIRE National level Exhibition & Project Competition 2013 &2014, New Delhi.
- Jury member, INSPIRE award, GNCT, Directorate of Education 2013, New Delhi.
- External expert, B. Tech exams; selection committee JRF/SRF at GGS Indraprastha University, Delhi.
- Member, Scientific Program Committee, International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics (ISRFG - 2013)” held during November 20 – 23, 2013 at INSA, New Delhi.
- Member, Facilitation Committee, Indo-German Symposium on “Plant Biology” held during October 18 – 20, 2011 at INSA, New Delhi.
- Convener, workshop on “Advances & Challenges in Next Generation Sequencing & Bioinformatics of Genome Analysis” held at NIPGR, New Delhi (March 28-30, 2011).
- Member, Organization Committee, Annual Symposium at DPMB, University of Delhi South Campus (February, 2005).
- Facilitated and organized weekly departmental meetings, DPMB, University of Delhi South Campus.
- Editor: Editor ‘Scientific Reports’ NPG (February 2015 onwards)
- Academic Editor 'PLoS ONE' (August 2014 onwards)
- Review Editor ‘Frontiers in Plant Science’ (July 2014 onwards)
- Associate Editor ‘Molecular Breeding’ (April 2013 onwards)
- Associate Editor ‘BMC Research Notes’ (2010 onwards)
- Associate Editor, special issue in 'Frontiers in Plant Science' on Research Topic "Abiotic Stress: Molecular Genetics and Genomics"
- Reviewer (Journals): Nature Communications, Genome Biology, New Phytologist, Scientific Reports, Journal of Proteome Research, DNA Research, PLoS ONE, Planta, BMC Genomics, BMC Plant Biology, FEBS Journal, Bioinformatics, Molecular Genetics and Genomics, Rice, Plant Cell Reports, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, Proteome Science, Transgenic Research, Plant Breeding, In Silico Biology, Protoplasma, The Plant Genome, Functional Plant Biology, Journal of Bioscience, Journal of Genetics, PMBP, Agricultural Research
- Reviewer (Project grants): Department of Biotechnology, Department of Science & Technology and Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India, New Delhi; Department of Biotechnology, Government of West Bengal; BARD - The US-Israel Agricultural Research & Development Fund; Austrian Science Fund; Competitive Research Grants Program of King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)
- Reviewer (Other): E-lessons under the project National Mission on Education of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India
Membership of academic societies/bodies
- Life Member, The National Academy of Sciences India, Allahabad.
- Life Member, Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata.
- Fellow member, Society for Applied Biotechnology, Karnataka.
- Life member, The Indian Botanical Society.
- Member, The Science Advisory Board, USA.
- Member, American Society of Plant Biologists, USA.
- Member, Society for Experimental Biology.
- Member, Crop Science Society of America.
- Member, Society of Agronomy.
- Member, Genome India International.
Invited Talks/Lectures
- Jain M (2023). Integrated multi-omics for unravelling candidate genes associated with drought stress tolerance in chickpea. In: “International Conference on Pulses: Smart crops for agricultural sustainability and nutritional security” ICPulses2023. (February 10-12), NAAS Complex, New Delhi.
- Jain M (2023). RNA sequencing for understanding the biology of agronomic traits in plants. In: “Hands-on Bioinformatics Workshop on Plant and Microbial Genomics”. (January 23-30), University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Jain M (2023). Multi-omics for divulging molecular signatures associated with seed size/weight for crop improvement. In: “International Conference on Food and Nutritional Security 2023 (iFANS2023)”. (January 6-9), NABI, Mohali.
- Jain M (2023). Genomics and Beyond: Unveiling gene/genome regulation and molecular signatures associated with drought stress. In: “GCRF Networking Grant Meeting - 2nd Workshop”. (January 3-5), NIPGR, New Delhi.
- Jain M (2022). Genomics approaches for investigating the candidate gene/s for genome editing: Hitting the nail on the head. In: “International Conference on Plant Genetic Engineering and Genome Editing (PGEGE)”. (October 27-29), Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod.
- Jain M (2022). Integrated multi-omics approach for dissecting the regulatory aspects and molecular signature associated with drought stress response/adaptation. In: “IGSTC-Indo-German Joint Workshop on Sustainable stress management in aquatic plants versus terrestrial plants (IGW-SSMAT)”. (July 25-27), Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany.
- Jain M (2022). Tools for prediction of long non-coding RNAs. In: “Workshop on Big data analysis and Integration in Biology. (March 21-25), Virtual, INYAS, New Delhi.
- Jain M (2021). Public resources for knowledge-based functional and translational genomics research in crop plants. In: Health Informatics Summit (October 16-19), Virtual, IIIT, Delhi & APbian.
- Jain M (2021). IBSC @ JNU: Introduction and process. In: “1st JNU workshop on Institutional Biosafety: Regulations and Protocols”. (April 28), Virtual, JNU, New Delhi.
- Jain M (2021). A novel tool for prediction of long non-coding RNAs and their regulatory aspects in plants. In: “International Symposium on Advances in Plant Biotechnology and Genome Editing (APBGE-2021). (April 8-10), Virtual, IIAB, Ranchi.
- Jain M (2021). Next generation genomics for generation of whole genome and trait-specific resources for crop improvement. In: Webinar (April 9), Department of Botany, Akal University, Bathinda.
- Jain M (2021). Opportunities in plant/agriculture genomics research via next generation sequencing methods. (March 10), Faculty Development Programme on “Opportunities and challenges in different sectors of biotechnology post-pandemic”, (March 8-12, 2021) Department of Biotechnology, UIET, Kurukshetra.
- Jain M (2021). Research Methodology: Research proposal, networking and collaboration, and research commercialization. (February 12), Faculty Induction Programme-IV, (February 1-27, 2021) UGC-HRDC, JNU, New Delhi.
- Jain M (2020). Methods for next generation sequencing and data analysis: Applications in agriculture. (December 30), 25th Refresher Course in Life Sciences & Biotechnology, (December 28, 2020-January 9, 2021) UGC-HRDC, JNU, New Delhi.
- Jain M (2020). Integrated omics approaches for knowledge-based crop improvement. In: “National Webinar on Plant Genetic Resource Management and Biotechnological Approaches for Food Security”. (December 4), Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur.
- Jain M (2019). Integrating Multi-omics Approaches for Divulging Regulation of Seed Development for Crop Improvement. In: “International Conference on Plant Genetics & Genomics-Germplasm to Genome Engineering”. (October 17-18), NASC Complex, Pusa, New Delhi.
- Jain M (2019). Unveiling gene/genome regulation for translational research in plants. In: “Indo-German Matchmaking Workshop”. (October 10-11), IIT, Madras.
- Jain M (2019). Long non-coding RNAs: A novel prediction tool and regulatory aspects in plants. In: “NGBT 2019'”. (September 30-October 1), Hotel Taj Lands End, Mumbai.
- Jain M (2019). RNA-seq for transcriptome construction and identification of differentially expressed genes. (September 7), ICAR-CAFT Training Programme on “Next generation sequencing and its applications in crop science”, (September 3-23) NIPB, New Delhi.
- Jain M (2019). Methods for next generation sequencing and data analysis: Applications in agriculture. (August 20), 24th Refresher Course in Life Sciences & Biotechnology, (August 19-August 30, 2019) UGC-HRDC, JNU, New Delhi.
- Jain M (2019). Exploring gene regulatory network and discovery of candidate genes associated with seed development/size determination in chickpea via deep sequencing. (July 29-30, 2019), In: 6th Plant Genomics & Gene Editing Congress Asia". (July 30), Hotel Grand Millennium, Malaysia. Hosted by, University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM)and the Crops for the Future Research Centre (CFF).
- Jain M (2019). Integrated Genomics Approaches for Crop Improvement. (April 23), In: Vigyan Manthan Series, JNU". (April 23), Convention Centre, JNU.
- Jain M (2019). RNA Sequencing for Generation of a Blueprint for Crop Improvement. (March 16), In: National Workshop on "Foldscope and Symposium on Applied Biotechnology". (March 15-16), Department of Biotechnology, IIS University, Jaipur.
Jain M (2019). Next generation sequencing and its applications. (January 24-25), In: National Workshop on "Whole Genome Data Analysis using Computational Framework and Tools". (January 24-25), MBBT, Tezpur University, Tezpur.
Jain M (2018). Computational tools and high-throughput data analyses for crop genomics. (December 15), In: “1st National Genetics Congress on Genetics for Sustainable Food, Health and Nutrition Security”. (December 14-16), NASC Complex, New Delhi.
Jain M (2018). Discovery of candidate molecular signatures associated with abiotic stress response/adaptation via integrated genomics approaches. (December 7), In: “4th WUN Workshop on Climate Resilient Open Partnership for Food Security (CROP-FS)”. (December 7-8), ICGEB & JNU, New Delhi.
Jain M (2018). Integrated genomics approaches for discovery of molecular signatures associated with seed traits in chickpea. (December 2), In: “4th International Plant Physiology Congress”. (December 2-5), Indira Gandhi Prathisthan-Lucknow.
Jain M (2018). Genomics approaches for understanding the biology of agronomic traits and translational research for crop improvement. (October 28), In: “International Conference on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology”. (October 26-28), IIIT-Allahabad.
Jain M (2018). Connecting genes and (epi)genomic variations to abiotic stress response/adaptation in rice via integrated genomics approaches. (October 17), 5th International Rice Congress 2018 (IRC2018), (October 15-17, 2018) Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.
Jain M (2018). Next generation sequencing and data analysis: Applications in agriculture. (October 10), 23rd Refresher Course in Life Sciences & Biotechnology on “Basic Research to Translational Research”, (October 8-November 2, 2018) UGC-HRDC, JNU, New Delhi.
Jain M (2018). Next generation sequencing and data analysis: Applications in health and agriculture. (October 10), Continuous Education Programme (CEP) on “Recent Trends in Data Analysis”, (October 9-11, 2018) Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences, DRDO, New Delhi.
Jain M (2018). RNA-seq for transcriptome construction and identification of differentially expressed genes. (September 1), ICAR-CAFT Training Programme on “Next generation sequencing and its applications in crop science”, (August 28-September 17) NRCPB, New Delhi.
Jain M (2018). Agricultural informatics and data mining: Status, challenges and future prospects. In: “National Bioinformatics Network Meet”. (August 29), ICGEB, New Delhi.
Jain M (2018). Genomics approaches for divulging gene/genome regulation and translational research for crop improvement. In: “International Conference on Plant Genetics and Genomics-Next Gen Crops for Sustainable Agriculture”. (July 19-20), Hotel Hometel, Chandigarh.
Jain M (2018). Next generation sequencing: methods and applications. In: “Summer School 2018”. (July 10), SCIS-JNU, New Delhi.
Jain M (2018). RNA-seq for transcriptome construction and discovery of candidate genes for crop improvement. (March 12-14), Workshop on “Computational Biology”, NABI, Chandigarh.
Jain M (2017). A blueprint for crop improvement via next generation genomics. (December 15), DRDO, DIBER, Haldwani, Uttarakhand.
Jain M (2017). RNA-seq for transcriptome construction and identification of differentially expressed genes. (December 1-21), ICAR-CAFT Training Programme on “Next generation sequencing and its applications in crop science”, NRCPB, New Delhi.
Jain M (2017). Genomics and beyond: Unveiling gene/genome regulation for translational research in crop plants. (April 19), SCIS, JNU, New Delhi.
Jain M (2017). Next Generation Genomics: A Blueprint to Divulge Genome Regulation and Genetic Enhancement of Crop Plants. (April 11), (Rajib Goyal Prize lecture) Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.
Jain M (2017). Next generation genomics approaches for discovery of candidate genes and divulging gene/genome regulation for crop improvement. In: World Biotechnology Congress 2017” (February 20-22), JNU, New Delhi.
Jain M (2017). Exploring gene regulatory network determining seed development/size in chickpea via deep sequencing. In: International symposium on “Insights to Plant Biology in the Modern Era” (February 8-10), Bose Institute, Kolkata.
Jain M (2016). Genome Science: A Gateway to Decipher Molecular Mechanisms and Identify Targets for Crop Improvement. (October 25), (K. Bachhawat Memorial Young Scientist Lecture Award) University of Delhi South Campus, New Delhi.
Jain M (2016). Genomics approaches for divulging gene/genome regulation and translational research for crop improvement. In: “SBC(I): Innovations in Biological Research in Health and Disease'”. (October 21-24), CFTRI, Mysore.
Jain M (2016). Exploring transcriptional regulatory network determining seed size in crop plants. In: “NGBT 2016'”. (October 3-5), Hotel Le Meridien, Kochi.
Jain M (2016). Genome Editing in Plant Science/Agriculture: Potential Applications and Challenges in India. In: “Practical Considerations of Applications of Genome Editing”. (September 23), Hotel Mercure, Hyderabad.
Jain M (2016). Integrated next generation genomics approaches for discovery of molecular signatures associated with agronomic traits in crop plants. In: “AgriGenomics 2016'”. (August 19-20), Radisson Blu Plaza, New Delhi.
Jain M (2016). Next generation genomics tools for rapid discovery of genes associated with agronomic traits in crop plants. In: “Application of Genomic Tools in Plant Science'”. (August 9-12), Central University of Kerala, Kerala.
Jain M (2016). Translational genomics for improvement of grain legume chickpea. In: “Foundation Day and Annual General Body Meeting, NAAS'”. (June 4-5), NASC Complex, New Delhi.
Jain M (2016). Integrated genomics approaches for translational plant biology. In: “Symposium on Genome Biology and Big Data Bioinformatics'”. (March 29), UDSC, New Delhi.
Jain M (2016). Genome-wide discovery of non-coding RNAs and their differential regulation: A case study in chickpea. In: “National Workshop on NGS Data: Assembly and Exploration'”. (March 10-11), NIPGR, New Delhi.
Jain M (2016). Genomics approaches for discovery of candidate genes and (epi)genomic variations involved in abiotic stress response/adaptation. In: “Science Day 2016”. (February 26), JNU, New Delhi.
Khemka N, Singh VK, Garg R, Jain M (2016). Genome-wide discovery and differential regulation of long intergenic non-coding RNAs during flower development in chickpea. In: “Science day”. (February 26), JNU, New Delhi.
Jain M (2016). Next generation genomics for rapid discovery of genes associated with agronomic traits in chickpea. In: “37th Annual Meeting of PTCA (India) & National Symposium on 'Plant Biotechnology for Crop Improvement'”. (February 25-27), NBRI, Lucknow, India.
Jain M (2016). Genomics approaches for connecting genes and (epi)genomic variations to abiotic stress response/adaptation. In: “2nd International South Asian Biotechnology Conference 2016 on Biotechnology for Sustainable Development”. (February 5-6), University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Jain M (2015). Next generation genomics: Connecting genes and (epi)genomic variations to abiotic stress response/adaptation. In: “3rd International Plant Physiology Congress-Challenges and Strategies in Plant Biology Research”. (December 11-14), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
Jain M (2015). DNA microarrays and its applications in gene expression profiling. In: “DBT sponsored short term training course on Methodologies used in gene expression analysis”. (September 29 – October 20), SP Pune University, Pune.
Jain M (2015). Next generation sequencing in transcriptome analysis and gene expression profiling. In: “DBT sponsored short term training course on Methodologies used in gene expression analysis”. (September 29 – October 20), SP Pune University, Pune.
Jain M (2015). Next generation genomics for mining genes/alleles associated with agronomic traits. In: “National Bioinformatics Training Program on High-throughput Omics Data for mining of important genes/traits linked to Agricultural Productivity”. (September 9-12), GBPAU, Pantnagar.
Jain M (2015). Genome-wide discovery and differential regulation of conserved and novel microRNAs in crop plants via deep sequencing. In: Summer School on RNA interference as a tool for plant functional genomics and crop improvement. (May 6-26), NRCPB, New Delhi.
Jain M (2015). Next generation genomics: Connecting genes and (epi)genomic variations to agronomic traits. In: Indo-US Bilateral Conference cum Workshop on Big Data Analysis and Translation in Disease Biology. (January 18-22), JNU, New Delhi.
Jain M (2015). Genome-wide discovery and differential regulation analysis of miRNAs: A case study in chickpea. In: Workshop on Computational identification of microRNA for biotic and abiotic stress tolerance in cereals. (January 12-14), Meerut University, Meerut, UP.
Jain M (2014). Transcriptome analysis for discovery of candidate genes involved in agronomic traits. In: DBT-sponsored Short term Training Course on Plant Transgenic Technologies. (October 1-16, 2014), M. D. University, Rohtak, Haryana.
Jain M (2014). Discovery of trait determining transcriptomic, genomic and epigenomic variations in crop plants via next generation sequencing. In: Conference on Applying NGS: Basic Research, Agriculture & Healthcare. (September 11, 2014), Hotel Capitol, Bangalore.
Jain M (2014). Genomics and bioinformatics: Introduction, challenges and opportunities. In: Workshop on Genomics and Bioinformatics. (July 19), Sadhu Vaswani International School for Girls, Shantiniketan, New Delhi.
Jain M (2014). Genome and transcriptome landscape: A blueprint for functional and translational genomics for crop improvement. In: National Workshop on Genomics in Crop Improvement. (February 27-28), M. D. University, Rohtak, Haryana.
Jain M (2014). Next generation sequencing – Applications and implications in plants and clinic. In: National-level ‘Training Program on Bioinformatics for Medical Research’. (February 13), IIT, New Delhi.
Jain M (2014). Next generation sequencing data analysis for identification of important genes and functional markers in crop plants. In: Workshop on Use of Bioinformatics in Crop Biotechnology. (January 6-8), Meerut University, Meerut, UP.
Jain M (2013). Next generation sequencing: A turbo for functional and applied genomics in crop plants. In: 2013 NextGen Genomics & Bioinformatics Technologies (NGBT) Conference (November 14-16), CSIR-IGIB, Delhi, India.
Jain M (2013). NGS: A revolutionary tool for functional and applied genomics in plants. In: NGS-IGIB 2013 (November 9-13), CSIR-IGIB, Mathura Road Campus, New Delhi, India.
Jain M (2013). Genome and transcriptome landscape in chickpea: A rich resource for functional and applied genomics. (September 7), NABI, Mohali, India.
Jain M (2013). Next generation genomics approaches for prioritization of Indian bioresources. In: Brain Storming session on "Prioritizing Research Areas on Bioinformatics for Documentation of Himalayan Bioresources and Discovery of Novel Molecules" (July 12-13), GBPUAT, Pantnagar, India. (Co-chaired the session "Bioinformatics for Documentation of Himalayan Bioresources and Discovery of Novel Molecules")
Jain M (2013). Harnessing the potential of next generation sequencing technologies for generation of genomic resources for orphan crops. In: Biosparks-2013 (February 15-16), JNU Campus, New Delhi, India.
Jain M (2012). Next generation genomics: Applications, challenges and use in crop improvement. In: Workshop on Role of Bioinformatics in Genomics (December 27-28), Gargi College, New Delhi, India.
Jain M (2012). Next generation genomics for crop improvement. In: International Conference on Statistics and Informatics in Agricultural Research (December 18-20), IASRI, New Delhi, India.
Jain M (2012). Next Generation Sequencing Technologies-Applications in Transcriptome Analysis. In: Workshop on “Computational Genome Analysis Techniques in Discovery of Agronomically Important Crop Genes”, (September 24-29, 2012) NBPGR, New Delhi.
Jain M (2012). RNA-seq: A revolutionary tool for transcriptome analysis in non-model plants. In: Symposium-cum-Workshop on “High-throughput Data-Driven Biology”, (September 12-14, 2012) IBAB, Bangalore. Abstract pp 22.
Jain M (2011). Next generation sequencing technologies-introduction and applications in transcriptome characterization. In: National Workshop on “Genome Annotation” (September 29-30), ICGEB, New Delhi.
Jain M (2011). A next generation approach to the characterization of chickpea transcriptome. In: 22nd Mid-year Meeting of Indian Academy of Sciences (July 8-9), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Abstract pp 14.
Jain M (2011). Optimization of de novo transcriptome assembly using NGS data. In: National workshop on “Advances & challenges in next generation sequencing and bioinformatics of genome analysis” (March 28-30), National Institute of Plant Genome Research, New Delhi.
Jain M (2011). De novo transcriptome assembly from next generation sequencing data. In: 1st regional workshop on “Next generation sequencing experimental design and quantitative genomics” (February 25-26), Biotech Centre, University of Delhi South Campus, New Delhi.
Jain M (2009). DNA Microarray and its applications in plant biology. In: National Workshop on “Use of Bioinformatics in Plant Biology” (March 12-13), NIPGR, New Delhi.
Jain M (2008). DNA Microarray and its applications. In: Winter School on “Recent Techniques on Structural and Functional Genomics” (December 3-12), CIMAP, Lucknow.
Jain M, Tyagi AK, Khurana JP (2008). Novel role of putative topoisomerase 6 genes from rice in stress tolerance. In: 95th Indian Science Congress Association (January 3-7), Visakhapatnam, India. (Young scientist award lecture)
Jain M, Tyagi AK, Khurana JP (2007). Novel role of putative topoisomerase 6 genes from rice in stress tolerance. In: 95th Indian Science Congress Association: Young Scientists’ Award Programme (October 13), Visakhapatnam, India. Abstract pp 55.
Poster/paper presentation
Rajkumar MS, Khemka N, Singh VK, Garg R and Jain M (2019). Integrated genomics approaches to identify regulatory pathways involved in seed development and seed size/weight determination. In: “National Science Day” (February 28), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi.
Khemka N, Rajkumar MS, Garg R and Jain M (2019). Discovery of miRNAs during seed development and their functional relevance in seed size/weight determination in chickpea. In: “National Science Day” (February 28), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi.
Dwivedi AK and Jain M (2018). Cracking the Genetic Code for Smart Crops In JNU Open day “Jan-Jan JNU” (November 30) Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi.
Singh U, Khemka N, Rajkumar MS, Garg R, Jain M (2018). PLncPRO for prediction of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in plants and its application for discovery of abiotic stress-responsive lncRNAs in rice. 5th International Rice Congress 2018 (IRC2018), (October 15-17, 2018) Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.
Gupta K, Jain M, Garg R (2018). Decoding the DNA methylation dynamics during abiotic stress response in Chickpea. In: International Conference on “17th annual International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB 2018)” (September 26-28), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi.
Khemka N, Singh U, Rajkumar MS, Garg R, Jain M (2018). PLncPRO: A novel tool for prediction of long non-coding RNAs. In: National Science day-2018 (February 28), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi.
Gupta K, Rajkumar MS, Garg R, Jain M (2018). Deep sequencing revealed stage-specific expression patterns of apocarotenoid biosynthesis pathways genes during stigma development in Crocus sativus. In: “National Science Day” (February 28), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi.
Gupta K, Rajkumar MS, Garg R, Jain M (2017). Deep sequencing revealed stage-specific expression patterns of apocarotenoid biosynthesis pathways genes during stigma development in Crocus sativus. In: National conference on “Recent Trends in Cell & Molecular Biology Research” (October 27-28), SNU, Greater Noida.
Khemka N, Rajkumar MS, Garg R, Jain M (2017). Genomics and beyond: Cracking the Plant DNA Code towards Super Crops. In JNU Open day “Jan-Jan JNU” (October 27) Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi.
Shankar R and Jain M (2017). Allele-Specific Methylations in Different Rice Cultivars with Contrasting Drought and Salinity Stress Responses. In: “National Science day” (February 28) Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi.
Khemka N, Singh VK, Garg R, Jain M (2016). Genome-wide discovery and differential regulation of long intergenic non-coding RNAs during flower development in chickpea. In: “National Science day”. (February 26), JNU, New Delhi.
Khemka N, Singh VK, Garg R, Jain M (2016). Discovery of long intergenic non-coding RNAs and their potential roles in flower development in chickpea. In: “EMBO workshop on Systems biology of non-coding RNAs”. (February 8-11), Rehovot, Israel.
Shankar R, Bhattacharjee A, Chevala N, Garg R and Jain M (2015). Understanding Transcriptional and Epigenomic Regulation of Abiotic Stress Responses in Rice. In: International conference “3rd International Plant Physiology Congress” (December 11-14) Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi.
Jain M (2015). Resources for functional and applied genomics in chickpea for crop improvement. In: 5th International Conference on Next Generation Genomics and Integrated Breeding for Crop Improvement. (February 18-20), ICRISAT, Hyderabad.
Singh VK, Garg R, Jain M (2015). Transcriptome dynamics during flower development and genome-wide analysis of GH3 gene family in chickpea. In: 5th International Conference on Next Generation Genomics and Integrated Breeding for Crop Improvement. (February 18-20), ICRISAT, Hyderabad.
Jain M, Moharana KC, Shankar R, Kumari R, Garg R (2013). Genome-wide discovery of DNA polymorphisms in rice cultivars with contrasting drought and salinity stress response and their functional relevance. In: 11th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics (ISRFG) (November 20-23), New Delhi, India.
Bhattacharjee A, Jain M (2013). Exploring the role of rice homeobox transcription factors in abiotic stress responses. In: 11th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics (ISRFG) (November 20-23), New Delhi, India.
Garg R, Verma M, Agrawal S, Shankar R, Majee M, Jain M (2013). Deep transcriptome sequencing of wild halophyte rice, Porteresia coarctata, provides novel insights into the salinity and submergence tolerance factors. In: 11th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics (ISRFG) (November 20-23), New Delhi, India.
Shankar R, Bhattacharjee A, Jain M (2013). Exploring transcriptional complexity under abiotic stresses in rice via deep sequencing. In: 11th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics (ISRFG) (November 20-23), Hotel Grand, New Delhi, India.
Chevala VVSN, Garg R, Jain M (2013). Genome-wide identification and analysis of microRNAs in chickpea. In: Indraprastha International Conference on Biotechnology (IICB 2013) (October 22-25), GGS Indraprastha University, New Delhi, India.
Jain M (2012). Transcriptome sequencing of chickpea for discovery of novel genes and genetic variations. In: VIth International Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics (October 2-7), ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India.
Garg R, Patel RK, Jhanwar S, Priya P, Bhattacharjee A, Yadav G, Bhatia S, Chattopadhyay D, Tyagi AK, Jain M (2012). Deep sequencing of chickpea transcriptome for gene discovery, marker development and gene expression studies. In: VIth International Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics (October 2-7), ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India.
Kim KD, Jain M, Jackson SA (2012). DNA methylation landscape of the soybean genome. In: Molecular & Cellular Biology of the Soybean Conference (August 12-15, 2012), Des Moines, Iowa, USA. PP 63.
Jain M, Garg R, Jhanwar S, Patel RK, Priya P, Tyagi AK (2012). Unraveling the chickpea transcriptome for gene discovery and marker development using next generation sequencing technologies. In: “Plant & Animal Genome XX” (January 14-18), San Diego, California, USA.
Garg R, Patel RK, Jhanwar S, Priya P, Bhattacharjee A, Yadav G, Bhatia S, Chattopadhyay D, Tyagi AK, Jain M (2011). Unraveling the chickpea transcriptome using next generation sequencing technologies. In: Indo-German Symposium on “Plant Biology” (October 18-20), INSA, New Delhi. Abstract pp 26.
Jain M, Yadav B, Jhanwar S, Garg R, Tyagi AK (2010). Comparative transcriptome analyses of six legume species reveal multiple conserved, legume-specific and species-specific genes. In: Vth International Congress on Legume Genetics and Genomics (July 2-8), Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Groove, CA, USA. Abstract pp 105.
Bhatia S, Gaur R, Choudhary S, Gupta S, Jain M, Yadav G, Chattopadhyay D, Tyagi AK (2010). Whole genome sequencing and molecular mapping in chickpea (Cicer arietinum). In: Vth International Congress on Legume Genetics and Genomics (July 2-8), Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Groove, CA, USA. Abstract pp 81.
Bhaskar A, Jain M, Paul LK, Jha SN, Khurana JP (2008) Rice type-A response regulator, OsRRa, mediates cross-talk between cytokinin and abiotic stress signaling. In: 2nd International Conference on Trends in Cellular and Molecular Biology (January 5-7), New Delhi, India. Abstract pp 63.
Nijhawan A, Jain M, Tyagi AK, Khurana JP (2008) Basic leucine zipper transcription factor family in rice: genomic survey, classification and gene expression analysis. In: 2nd International Conference on Trends in Cellular and Molecular Biology (January 5-7), New Delhi, India. Abstract pp 64. (Best poster award)
Jain M, Tyagi AK, Khurana JP (2006). Genome-wide analysis of auxin- and cytokinin-responsive transcriptome in rice (Oryza sativa). In: International Conference on Bioinformatics (December 18-20), New Delhi, India. Abstract pp 255.
Jain M, Tyagi AK, Khurana JP (2006). Genome-wide analysis, evolutionary expansion, and expression of early auxin-responsive SAUR gene family in rice (Oryza sativa). In: 8th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology (August 20-25), Adelaide, Australia. Abstract pp 83.
Jain M, Tyagi AK, Khurana JP (2005). Molecular characterization and differential expression of cytokinin-responsive type-A response regulators in rice (Oryza sativa). In: International conference on “Plant Genomics and Biotechnology: Challenges & Opportunities”. (October 26-28), Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India. Abstract pp 72.
Khurana JP, Tyagi AK, Jain M (2004). Differential expression and hormonal regulation of archaebacterial topoisomerase 6 subunits A and B homologues from rice (Oryza sativa indica). In: 2nd International Symposium of Rice Functional Genomics. (November 15-17), Tucson, Arizona. Abstract pp 113.
Jain M, Tyagi AK, Khurana JP (2004). Differential expression and hormonal regulation of archaebacterial topoisomerase 6 subunits A and B homologues from rice (Oryza sativa indica). In: 9th National Rice Biotechnology Network Meeting (April 15-17), NASC Complex, New Delhi, India. Abstract pp 204.
Kumar D, Jain M, Tyagi SB, Tyagi AK, Khurana JP (2003). Molecular characterization of blue light receptors, Cryptochrome2 and Phototropin1, from rice (Oryza sativa subsp. indica). In: XVI National Symposium on “Photobiology in the Genomics and Post-Genomics Era.” (March 27-29), University of Delhi South Campus, India. Abstract pp 57.
Khurana JP, Tyagi AK, Kumar D, Jain M, Tyagi SB (2002). Molecular characterization of blue light receptors, Cryptochrome2 and Phototropin1, from rice (Oryza sativa L. subsp. indica). In: The Blue Light Syndrome IV; International Meeting on UV/blue light: Perception and Responses in Plants and Microorganisms. (December 16-18), Okazaki, Japan. Abstract pp 20.
Poster/ Paper presentation
- Das R, Rajkumar MS, and Jain M (2023). Identification and differential expression analysis of histone acetyltransferase gene. families in chickpea and soybean genomes. In: “International Conference on Pulses: Smart crops for agricultural sustainability and nutritional security” ICPulses2023. (February 10-12), NAAS Complex, New Delhi. (p 403)
- Dwivedi A, and Jain M (2022). Genome-wide characterization of miRNAs and their functional relevance in drought stress response in rice. In: “International Symposium on Advances in Plant Biotechnology and Nutritional Security (APBNS-2022). (April 28-30), ICAR-NIPB, New Delhi. (Best oral presentation award to Anuj Dwivedi)
- Dwivedi A, Singh V and Jain M (2021). Integrating transcriptome, proteome and metabolome reveals novel insights into drought tolerance in rice. In: “International Symposium on Advances in Plant Biotechnology and Genome Editing (APBGE-2021). (April 8-10), Virtual, IIAB, Ranchi. (Best poster award to Anuj Dwivedi)
- Rajkumar MS, Khemka N, Singh VK, Garg R and Jain M (2019). Integrated genomics approaches to identify regulatory pathways involved in seed development and seed size/weight determination. In: “National Science Day” (February 28), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi.
- Khemka N, Rajkumar MS, Garg R and Jain M (2019). Discovery of miRNAs during seed development and their functional relevance in seed size/weight determination in chickpea. In: “National Science Day” (February 28), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi.