Conference Proceedings

  1. Karmeshu , Rao DN and Krishnamachari A. Bradford's distribution, income distribution and the lognormal law. Proceedings of the International conference on bibliometrics, scientometrics and infometrics. Berlin, 1993
  2. Karmeshu and Krishnamachari. Stochastic Model for journal Productivity – Transient analysis (accepted for presentation in the fifth International conference on Scientometrics and Informatics held at Chicago June 7-10 1995)
  3. Krishnamachari, Srinivas, Somitra K sanadhya and Balasundaram . Perceptron decision tree model for E.coli promoters. Proceedings of International conference on Bioinformatics, InCoB 2006 New Delhi
  4. Sarwar Azam and Krishnamachari  Computational study of bacillus genomes Eighth Asia Pacific Conference , Bangalore, January 2010