• Poster size should be 36 inches wide by 48 inches high (3 ft. x 4 ft.). This corresponds to A0 paper size in technical terms.

    • Poster pasting material will be provided by the conference organizing committee at the registration desk.

    • There is no printing service on the conference venue. Please bring your printed copy with you to avoid inconvenience. However, shops with printing services within 2km distance from the conference venue may be available for which authors may explore the details on their own.

    • The poster must be presented by one of the co-authors as mentioned in your original submission. Proxy presentations are not allowed.

    • You are requested to set up your poster in the morning before lunch time of the first day of the conference, i.e., January 30, 2019.

    • Please ensure that your poster is displayed exactly on the poster board carrying the number assigned to you.

    • Posters will remain on display throughout the conference and should be removed after the Awards & Concluding remarks session.

    • Presenting authors should be available on their poster display position during the poster session allotted to them for discussion with conference participants and judges who will view and optionally discuss their poster contents at their convenience.



    Poster List for Poster Session


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